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Knowledge base
1 min read
Can transactions between accounts being analysed be identified?
Yes, see the ‘key transactions’ tab for a list of transactions that meet this criteria. This is only shown when multiple bank accounts...
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Can the daily sum of amounts be included when analysing reversed and recurring transactions?
Yes, simply select the checkbox in the ‘Key transactions’ and ‘Recurring transactions’ areas of the analysis options window. All...
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Can I identify cash transactions > CURRENCY5k or the top 10?
Yes, these are automatically shown in the ‘Key transactions’ tab, with the amounts as percentage of total credits or debits shown in a...
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How can I identify high value transactions > X% of total credits?
This parameter is set within the ‘Key transactions’ section of the Analysis options window, and the transactions identified are shown in...
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How can I ensure that opening and closing balances match on each bank statement?
StatementReader provides an automated validation of the extracted transactions. This checks that the debits, credits and balance figures...
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How do I incorporate a new tab with additional transactions that are not shown on the bank statement
To automatically add an additional sheet for additional income check the ‘create additional income tab’ checkbox within the ‘Summary...
1 min read
Can I change the automated StatementReader analysis of my bank statements?
Yes, once the analysis is generated, it is immediately opened in Excel without any restrictions so the user can use the full power of...
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How do I save the first page of each processed bank statement to Excel?
To embed the first page from your bank statements to a separate sheet of the Excel analysis, tick the ‘Images’ checkbox in the ‘Summary...
1 min read
How do I analyse transactions for multiple bank accounts together?
First, extract the data for each bank account in StatementReader, either using file mode or folder mode. Once you have a separate line...
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Analyse transactions for multiple bank accounts
Multiple jobs containing transactions for separate bank accounts can be analysed in a single click using StatementReader. Key sections of...
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No transactions were extracted from my bank statements
If no data was extracted from your bank statements then it is likely that the template selected within StatementReader did not match the...
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Unlimited licence pricing
We typically do not offer unlimited pricing for StatementReader. However, if you are a high volume, offline client, please contact us to...
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Troubleshooting overview
Here are some general troubleshooting considerations to keep in mind when using StatementReader: - Misread text in Excel = OCR issue, see...
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Setting up your document for extraction
Here are some tips you should consider when obtaining and setting up your document before the data is extracted: - Get original...
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Processing bank transactions with StatementReader
Here are some general tips for using the StatementReader application to extract transactions from bank statements: - Select the matching...
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Bank template creation overview
Here are some tips for creating templates: - Copy column headers (date etc.) exactly - Data and date type selections are crucial - Check...
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How can I separate the analysis of multiple accounts that use the same bank template?
At the analysis stage the data is combined (into Transactions1, Transactions2 etc) based on the bank_layout column; therefore to separate...
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Why should I use bank statement templates?
Using specialised bank templates for each bank statement structure (either pre-built or created in under a minute by the user) allows us...
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Do you provide outsourced data processing services?
As we grow, we come across more clients that require an outsourced data processing solution, and of course we are happy to use...
1 min read
What consultancy services do you offer?
We are always building on and sharing the experience that we have acquired in talking to clients about their data processing requirements...
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