[deprecated]Excel summary as values
Knowledge base
Batch processing bank statements
Merge scanned documents in Excel
What is StatementReader pay-as-you-go?
StatementReader software overview
How do I get the most accurate output from StatementReader?
Do I need a special scanner?
Can I convert a multipage document with statements from different banks?
I accidentally deleted a job that I have paid for, will I have to pay for it again?
How can I improve the output from StatementReader?
How do I add a new bank layout to StatementReader?
I have statements from a bank that is not supported, what can I do?
Which banks are supported?
What is the cost of StatementReader?
I already have a converter for scanned documents, why do I need StatementReader?
How much time will StatementReader save me?
Updates folder (offline version only)
Extra templates folder
User templates folder
Completed jobs folder