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Knowledge base
1 min read
Analyse transactions for multiple bank accounts
Multiple jobs containing transactions for separate bank accounts can be analysed in a single click using StatementReader. Key sections of...
1 min read
No transactions were extracted from my bank statements
If no data was extracted from your bank statements then it is likely that the template selected within StatementReader did not match the...
1 min read
Unlimited licence pricing
We typically do not offer unlimited pricing for StatementReader. However, if you are a high volume, offline client, please contact us to...
1 min read
Troubleshooting overview
Here are some general troubleshooting considerations to keep in mind when using StatementReader: - Misread text in Excel = OCR issue, see...
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Setting up your document for extraction
Here are some tips you should consider when obtaining and setting up your document before the data is extracted: - Get original...
1 min read
Processing bank transactions with StatementReader
Here are some general tips for using the StatementReader application to extract transactions from bank statements: - Select the matching...
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Bank template creation overview
Here are some tips for creating templates: - Copy column headers (date etc.) exactly - Data and date type selections are crucial - Check...
1 min read
How can I separate the analysis of multiple accounts that use the same bank template?
At the analysis stage the data is combined (into Transactions1, Transactions2 etc) based on the bank_layout column; therefore to separate...
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Why should I use bank statement templates?
Using specialised bank templates for each bank statement structure (either pre-built or created in under a minute by the user) allows us...
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Do you provide outsourced data processing services?
As we grow, we come across more clients that require an outsourced data processing solution, and of course we are happy to use...
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What consultancy services do you offer?
We are always building on and sharing the experience that we have acquired in talking to clients about their data processing requirements...
1 min read
How do I use a bank statement template to extract my transactions?
Follow the steps below to use StatementReader template files that we have sent you. Note that if you have already set this up, you may...
1 min read
How can I compare the numbers within the transaction narrative with the credit or debit amount?
You can use one of Excel's text formatting formulas to identify whether the credit or debit matches the numbers in the transaction...
1 min read
How can I strip out the recipient from the transaction narrative?
Some text manipulation can be used to cut out the sections of the narrative that interest you. This formula looks for 'from' or 'to' and...
1 min read
Fortnightly cash flow analysis
The total receipts and payments are split between the first and second half of each month and shown as a value and as a percentage of the...
1 min read
Monthly balance analysis
End of day balances are automatically identified and summarised in Excel, showing the minimum, maximum and average for each month, and...
1 min read
How can I tell who or where the account holder has most activity? Use the transaction keyword summar
StatementReader identifies keywords by [number of occurrences or total value], with a detailed breakdown showing the first and last date...
1 min read
Detailed financial summary in Excel
StatementReader performs a comprehensive summary of any number of transactions, in a single click. The user can set a variety of options...
1 min read
How to identify recurring payments and receipts in Excel
The ‘recurring transactions’ area of the analysis options allows the user to identify daily / weekly / fortnightly / monthly / quarterly...
1 min read
How can I categorise and separate transactions using StatementReader?
Transactions are categorised using a user specified keyword list and order of prioritisation; these can be edited and added to by user. ...
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