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Knowledge base
1 min read
Edit your own template
If you have created your own template, you can quickly edit the options that you selected. Using the correct options will make the data...
1 min read
[deprecated]Excel summary as values
The advanced options window allows the user to select whether the summary is created using values or formulas. Selecting ‘values’ can...
1 min read
Batch processing bank statements
A folder containing many scanned documents, each in the same bank layout, can be processed in just a few clicks, without you needing to...
1 min read
Merge scanned documents in Excel
StatementReader allows users to combine completed jobs together, in order for StatementReader to process an automated summary from more...
1 min read
Import corrections from Excel
Right click on a job within StatementReader to select an Excel file that was previously created by StatementReader and refresh the job...
1 min read
Searchable PDF
You should check or uncheck the 'parse PDF' option based on the input file that you have selected. If your file is a searchable PDF...
1 min read
Extract all lines (previously full-page table)
Under normal circumstances the StatementReader engine is able to analyse a page and detect if a table of transactions is there, where the...
1 min read
[deprecated]Enable real time Excel
This option, which is checked by default, will cause StatementReader to open a new Excel window when you start a job, and use this to...
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