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Knowledge base
1 min read
How to extract transactions from Barclays bank statements that have been printed by a branch
The Barclays branch print out format can be extracted using StatementReader although the structure changes depending on the branch that...
1 min read
Can I see a full page sample for bank templates?
Selecting the correct template allows StatementReader to extract the transactions from your bank statement accurately. To help with the...
1 min read
Bank template creation overview
Here are some tips for creating templates: - Copy column headers (date etc.) exactly - Data and date type selections are crucial - Check...
1 min read
Why should I use bank statement templates?
Using specialised bank templates for each bank statement structure (either pre-built or created in under a minute by the user) allows us...
1 min read
How do I use a bank statement template to extract my transactions?
Follow the steps below to use StatementReader template files that we have sent you. Note that if you have already set this up, you may...
1 min read
How can I create a new bank template?
The ability for the user to create new bank templates for immediate use are a key differentiator of StatementReader. These can be saved,...
1 min read
Edit your own template
If you have created your own template, you can quickly edit the options that you selected. Using the correct options will make the data...
1 min read
How do I create a template for Barclays duplicate statements with column dashes?
This template hasn’t been released as this format often changes depending on which branch printed the bank statements. Here are some...
1 min read
Can StatementReader convert credit card statements to Excel
Yes, StatementReader can read credit card statements. You can use the template creation tool (from the file menu) to create your own...
1 min read
How do I know if a new template is required?
When you see data appearing in the wrong columns, a new template is required. Data appearing in the wrong columns means that there is a...
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