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Convert bank statements to Excel

StatementReader is a bespoke tool for processing bank statements that uses either a built in or user generated template to extract each transaction into a single row in Excel, in approximately 0.5 seconds per page.

Automated corrections and accuracy reports

The automated validation feature interacts directly with Excel, highlighting any corrected cells and potential errors, with hyperlinks for fast reference to the exact page of the original scanned document.

Transaction summary

Summarise keywords, recurring transactions and round amounts in Excel, increasing the efficiency of identifying transactions that require further investigation and also providing comprehensive working papers for your case or client file.


All data is processed locally on your Windows machine, this, together with an encrypted offline user control server module and a dedicated in-house development and implementation team, means that StatementReader provides unrivalled security and flexibility

Bank template creation tool

Unique templates are provided for a vast number of the common banks operating in UK, India, Australia and Canada, with a built in tool for users to create and share new templates in under a minute or a direct upload link for external support.

Export bank statements to CSV

StatementReader generates a single lightweight database file from bank statements saved as either scanned images or searchable PDF documents, by default this outputs to either a consistent columnar Excel or CSV format.

Export PDF to Excel

Searchable, non-searchable, scanned, encrypted, locked, watermarked and electronically created documents saved as PDF documents are all compatible with StatementReader.

API and server integration

A StatementReader API can be configured to automate and integrate the whole bank statement extraction process into a pre existing user interface with automated bank template selection, extraction and validation

Unlock bank statement PDF

Extracting locked and encrypted PDF bank statements needs a specialised software tool like StatementReader.

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