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Financial investigation support

The StatementReader team combines both programming and accountancy expertise to offer a specialist data extraction solution for business professionals in the UK and worldwide. The application stands out from generic OCR tools by accurately interpreting the content and structure of a range of financial documents and converting the required elements into a database format. We utilise the team's unique combination of skills to provide an automated summary of the data that has been extracted.

Over the past year our clients have asked us to prepare bespoke investigation summary reports from data extracted using StatementReader. We have used these requests to enhance the summary reports that are produced automatically by StatementReader, whilst helping our clients to increase the resources at their disposal.

Using techniques based on the automatically generated data summary, we can quickly extract and summarise data that meets a unique set of criteria, saving your team time and money.

Data confidentiality is a common concern for our clients. As a result we have a non-disclosure agreement available for both parties to sign, or are willing to use another format, if you prefer.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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Call us on +44 (0)20 3287 8283

Mon to Fri: 8am-8pm

Weekends: 10am-6pm

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